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Access various exam papers by cliking any of the links below:

CIS 3310- Marketing of records and archives services.doc

CIS 3311- Desktop publishing.doc

CIS 3312- News writing and reporting.doc

CIS 3313-Script writing.doc

CIS 3314-Media Technology.doc

CIS 3404-Automation of records and archives management systems.doc

CIS 3405-Management of electronic records.doc

CIS 3406-Trends in records and archives management.doc

CIS 3408-Editorial Management.doc

CIS 3409 – Management of media institutions.doc

CIS 3410 – Photo Journalism.doc

CIT 3100 – Introduction to computer Technology.doc

CIT 3101 – Computer Apllications.doc

CIT 3102 – Fundamentals of computer programming.doc

CIT 3103 – Fundamentals of Internet.doc

CIT 3116 – Computer Application in Education.doc

CIT 3117 – Introduction to computers and applications.doc

CIT 3150 – Computer systems architecture.doc

CIT 3153 – Object Oriented Programming I.doc

CIT 3200 – Operating systems.doc

CIT 3201 -Database systems.doc

CIT 3202 -Network design and implementation.doc

CIT 3203 -Object oriented programming II.doc

CIT 3226 -Network system design and implementation.doc

CIT 3229 -Operating systems II.doc

CIT 3275 -Data processing, system analysis and design.doc

CIT 3300 -Human computer interaction.doc

CIT 3301 -Internet application programming.doc

CIT 3302 -Advanced database systems.doc

CIT 3303 -Multimedia systems and applications.doc

CIT 3304 -Electronic Business.doc

CIT 3305 -Education management information systems.doc

CIT 3351 -ICT and Society.doc

CIT 3400 -Cloud Computing.doc

CIT 3401 -Computer graphics.doc

CIT 3402 -Business intelligence and alalytics.doc

CIT 3404 -Computer Animation.doc

CIT 3425 -Management information systems.doc

CIT 3451 -Professional and ethical issues in informatics.doc

CIT 3477 -E-Commerce.doc

CIT 5141-Management Information Systems.doc

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